(1/10) Pursuing perfection: the ideal model of an innovative company

Can you imagine a company in which…?

  • Time and resources are spent in innovation just because this is the regular way of working
  • Everything is done is useful because unnecessary bureaucracies do not exist
  • Action, learning and results are rewarded; not only effort
  • All employees take initiative to prosper, develop, learn… live!
  • There’s a constant feedback exchange, which is willingly received
  • Employees enjoy their job, support and train each other 

It may sound idyllic, even utopian… but it is perfectly possible. Ideo, IBM or Singapore Airlines are some examples of companies with a high innovation culture. Desire, rigour and perseverance are fundamental to achieve it; once they are guaranteed, we only need to pack our suitcases and start the JOURNEY©. Its destination it is not «innovating», but «transforming» our company into a culturally innovative entity.


The JOURNEY© is a business action plan designed and created specifically by Dícere to make the “innovation culture” reach all the organization fields, in order to transform ideas into innovative initiatives and employee into entrepreneurs who add value and profitability to the company.

In the next posts we will explain in detail all its phases, and its results.

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