Welcome to Dícere-ToBeinn!

Dear friends and colleagues, we post this week to anounce you that we change our blog address. Dícere-Wakab will be called from now on Dícere-ToBeinn in order to reinforce our compromise with the ToBeinn project, which was born recently.


Never before five companies from the innovation field had unified themselves to offer what we believe is an ambitious service, with solid pilars and a well marked itinerary en each of the phases that will take organizations to innovation. Alias, Dícere, EASYCRIT, Inteligencia Creativa and TBI-IESE; all of us have deposited our hopes and efforts to start ToBeinn up. We hope to share with you our successes, but also to learn from its failures; its knowledge, and yours.

You will find new materials in our new blog http://www.dicere-tobeinn-net, and also in http://www.tobeinn.net.

Thank you one more time for your trust.

Dícere’s Team

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