(4/10) Discovering the innovative level of our company

To innovate is not only having a brilliant idea, nor knowing how to turn it into something real and not even making it successful, if everything ends ups as an isolated fact, as a milestone in our company’s history line.

To innovate is allowing our organization to develop a culture of innovation: in other words, to make possible that innovation comes out naturally and regularly from the existent synergy between all its human and technical ingredients. That’s, at least, what we believe in Dícere and that’s why we have been recently talking about the JOURNEY©, the process that leads to a culture of innovation.

The first step that needs to be taken is discovering in which situation our company is and, for that goal, there is a unique tool: the 6x3x3 Assessment Tool, which was developed by Babson College (Boston, USA) professors Jay Rao and Joseph Weintraub.

The 6x3x3 Assessment Tool is an online questionnaire specifically created to discover the innovation degree of an organization. It’s realized by the employees and focuses on the six basic pillars of the culture of innovation: resources, processes, success, values, behaviours and climate. Although they may seem abstract, the fact is that truly innovative companies always stand on the strength of at least one of these pillars.  At the same time, as detailed in the graphic, each pillar is composed by three factors and each of them incorporates three other underlying elements (54 elements):

consultoria innovacion a

To analyse the results, an average for each question is calculated, as well as the answers distribution, the average of each factor and, finally, the average of each pillar. The final average of the six pillars represents the total punctuation, what we know as “innovation quotient”.

The results and its analysis allow us to know the development level of the culture of innovation and, afterwards, to plan a strategy that will improve it in case it’s needed.  It serves, then, as a good innovation diagnosis of a company.

The next step? COGNOS Workshop, during which we will end up being conscious of our reality and we will be able to determine how to develop our culture of innovation.

Dícere’s Team

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