(5/10) COGNOS Management: There is no innovation without leadership.

THE JOURNEY© process has been developed by Dicere to help companies develop a more robust Culture of Innovation. It consists of three phases: Discovering, Learning and Experimenting. The Discovering phase is divided in two stages: Assessment and Sensitization.

In our last post we introduced the Assessment stage, performed through the 6x3x3 Assessment Tool, which gives companies an overall “Innovation Quotient”, allowing them to analyze in detail the status of the 6 Building Block of their Innovation Culture. With the diagnosis of their current situation made, companies are ready to move into the Sensitization Stage of the Discovering phase.

Two training workshops have been designed for this stage. The first one is “COGNOS Management”, directed towards de Leadership Team. The second one is “InSIGHT”, directed towards middle management most likely to become the innovation project leaders. Today we are concentrating on COGNOS Management.

In the COGNOS Management workshop the Leadership Teams raise their awareness about the principles of innovation, develop their own common language on innovation and understand their roles as leaders in innovation projects. Through energizing exercises, participants practice the habit of “experimenting fast, failing quickly and building on the learning” in uncertain or even ambiguous situations. Many of them experiment for the first time the leadership role inside an innovative environment.

Through the COGNOS workshop the Leadership Team gets to know the results of the 6x3x3 Assessment Tool in detail. They have the opportunity to reflect on these results and discuss the differences in perception among different departments and hierarchy levels that have answered the questionnaire. They see the strengths and weaknesses on the six building blocks of their Culture of Innovation as perceived by their organization and start designing an action plan to make the culture more robust.

consultoria innovacion

This stage of THE JOURNEY© to innovation is crucial for an effective execution of the following stages, as developing a Culture of Innovation requires a desire from leadership to be communicated to the organization followed by their support to innovative and entrepreneurial behaviors.

In our next post we will see how to deploy these conclusions and action plans from the COGNOS Management workshop into the InSIGHT workshop of the Sensitization Stage.

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