(8/10) COMUNICA: Watch and listen twice as much as you talk

We discussed in previous articles about the phase Discovery in our way towards building a Culture of Innovation. We also talked about the phase Learning, focused on helping the members of the organization to get new knowledge and skills needed to communicate and learn to develop the innovative initiatives being generated. Today, we are highlighting the importance of a good interpersonal communication. The impact of not being educated on interpersonal communication skills when managing projects can be very easily visualized by the amount of existing conflicts and by the big and almost permanent deviations that must be corrected as progress is being made.

El viaje - Aprendizaje

Dícere introduces the workshop COMUNICA to help the project team members learn and practice interpersonal communication skills. The objective is to build effective relationships within and between the teams working on innovation projects. We practice 2000-year-old basic techniques: foresee and avoid conflicts before they occur, reduce the deviations vs. the planned tasks, find better solutions and empower creativity. The learning is practical and experimental rather than theoretical, inviting the participants to act and reflect on the results of their actions.

What is your daily experience on your communication? Do you manage to share your point of view without raising defensiveness? Keep in mind this ancient proverb: “Nature gave us two eyes, two ears and one mouth to watch and listen twice as much as we talk”.

Most of the conflicts are generated by our limited communication skills. Dícere can help to improve them in order to minimize the conflicts and manage them when we generate them.

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