Innovation or miracles?

Too many times we are faced with demands from our clients who want to develop innovative initiatives with direct impact on the business results as fast as possible.

Our first reaction, which fortunately we manage to refrain, is to tell them that we are not (yet) very good at miracles, but with time, all that may be possible.

On occasions, less often that we would like to, but certainly on the increasing trend, the dialogue with our client follows a common interest on the search for developing a sustainable innovation culture in the organization.

This is where we are convinced we can help.

Dissecting this key concept shows each single term offers many clues on where and how to proceed. Let’s focus on the meaning of each of the specific terms:

  • Culture is the observable part of the organization. What people do, how they relate to each other, which lingua franca they use, how they manage their differences, how they use the available resources, how they manage their time, etc.
  • Sustainable means repeatable and maintained in time with the organization’s own resources, without needing significant extra effort.
  • Innovation means different, escaping routine. It includes new ways of doing things, considers new technologies and/or markets, and generates more value.

We shall agree we are talking about behaviors and environments that generate confidence in the relationships as a means to generate value in the long term. They achieve it by differentiating what we do, how we do it and what we offer. By doing so, the market perceives us as valuable.

In reality, we are calling for desire, creativity, passion, rigor and perseverance.

Whereas a miracle would help us, the generation of sustainable miracles would be great, but how much more difficult! It is better that we start working on a change of culture with desire, passion, rigor and perseverance.

Fran Chuán

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