DECEMBER. If your company shut down tomorrow… Who would miss it?

consultoria innovacionWe find this reflection in Jim Collins’s book “Good to Great”. Imagine that, during a meeting with your team, you challenge them to share their answers and reflections on this question. What would happen? Would they be interested? Would they share positive thoughts or would they hesitate to speak up? Sigue leyendo

DICIEMBRE. Si tu empresa cerrara mañana… ¿Quién la echaría de menos?

consultoria innovacionEsta reflexión la encontramos en el libro de Jim Collins “Empresas que sobresalen”. Imagina que en una reunión con tu equipo directo les haces esta pregunta y les animas a que aporten respuestas y reflexiones. ¿Qué ocurriría? ¿Serían aportaciones interesantes? ¿Generaría positivismo o resistencias en los participantes? Sigue leyendo

What does the market think about us?

We tend to think that an excellent product and service offer will make us successful. This is neither true nor false. There is no doubt that an excellent market perception of our products and services will give us a strong competitive position. However, looking around for recent history we will understand this is not enough.

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