Innovation Is Just A Step Away


Innovation requires change. Changing the world is an empowering vision for many people and companies. How many of us however are ready to accept this may require changing ourselves first?

One single step can be a life changing experience. It can happen anywhere at any point in time of life. There is no need to penetrate the wild forest, travel to no-man’s land to fight against dragons or board a spacecraft to Mars. Actually, the most difficult journey we probably have to make in life may be just taking one step. Those who dare taking the risk can experience the most amazing discoveries of life.

From The Renaissance time 500 years ago, mankind has made tremendous progress in the quality of life by managing science and intelligence. Since then knowledge has grown immensely, and with the appearance of internet, there seems to be no limit to the information at hand. IQ (intelligence) has been the focus of most prestigious awards in recognition of the contributions made to progress. Most of us have trained our brains to think in order to thrive, or at least be able to survive, in this environment.

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Albert Einstein : «Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Building a consensus for an unambiguous and easy to understand definition of innovation has not yet been possible. We mean the systematic practice of innovation, applied to the market and business in which the company operates and competes, under the premise of consolidating their differentiation and adding value to its customers, employees and shareholders.

Widely known are the words from Albert Einstein: «Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. This is the essence of innovation.

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