
Imagine an organization where information and feelings flow without obstacles.

Hard and resistant against environmental attacks, yet flexible to adapt to needed changes, integrating new influences to improve performance in an innovative way.

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OCTOBER. Are we the best at something?

consultoria innovacion

When the market challenges our company with this question, we must be able to answer it quickly and clearly. If we cannot, we must work to reinvent ourselves until we can. Sigue leyendo

In which kind of company are you working?

A plant (a vegetal, not a manufacturing production facility) gives seeds in spring, fruits in summer, drops the leaves in autumn, and hibernates to experience a new birth next spring. The roots and the DNA dictate its next repetitive cycle with the same kind of leaves, fruits and seeds. A plant with deep roots will survive and grow in adverse weather conditions during a long time. A plant with shallow roots will dry if these conditions are not benign.

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(6/10) InSIGHT : Transforming employees in master entrepreneurs

In our JOURNEY© to a Culture of Innovation, we have so far discovered the degree of innovation of our company via the 6x3x3 Assessment Tool. We have introduced the management teams to the world of business innovation, making them aware of the results of the assessment. We helped them to understand their role as leaders in the COGNOS workshop. Today we are introducing the last step in the Discovery and Awareness phase: the InSight workshop.

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Albert Einstein : «Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Building a consensus for an unambiguous and easy to understand definition of innovation has not yet been possible. We mean the systematic practice of innovation, applied to the market and business in which the company operates and competes, under the premise of consolidating their differentiation and adding value to its customers, employees and shareholders.

Widely known are the words from Albert Einstein: «Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. This is the essence of innovation.

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SEPTEMBER. Do you know how your company’s history can help to build its future?

consultoria innovacion

With start-ups’ permission, all organizations have a past that can act as an engine or as a burden; there is not middle ground. Faintheartedness is rarely seen in enduring companies.

When past becomes a burden strong enough to make our company sink, it is time to let it go. We are not thinking about eliminating wisdom –in other words, firing old employees who know the tips and tricks of the company–, but about taking advantage of our company’s historic knowledge to turn the burden into a powerful engine.

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Locked R&D labs are already over

An open system or organization must look at its environment for two reasons. The first one is to ensure its delivered output meets the continuously changing environmental needs. The second one is to look for inspiration, predict what the environment will demand next, create the demand and provide the first and/or the best offer to gain a competitive advantage and thrive in it.

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(3/10) From theory to «Active Learning»

Business innovation is a long JOURNEY©. There are many steps that need to be taken, but the first and main one is training. Without it, there’s no change; and without change, there’s not innovation culture.

Active Learning is one of the best ways to learn towards innovation. This holistic methodology puts special emphasis on practice, and not too much on theory, which only means a third of the entire training. Text-based material is fair enough and participants/employees are the real actors, participating in different activities and role plays.

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“The Discipline & Culture of Innovation”, a book to dispel common myths and clarify concepts about innovation

Since “Innovación 2.0” was released in 2012 we have been waiting to its English edition and the time has finally come! “The Discipline & Culture of Innovation” has been written in –not translated into– English by its original authors, Jay Rao and Fran Chuan, with the will to get to readers from all over the world and keep sharing innovation experiences and knowledge.

"The Discipline & Culture of Innovation", by Fran Chuan and Jay Rao

«The Discipline & Culture of Innovation», by Fran Chuan and Jay Rao

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