(1/10) Pursuing perfection: the ideal model of an innovative company

Can you imagine a company in which…?

  • Time and resources are spent in innovation just because this is the regular way of working
  • Everything is done is useful because unnecessary bureaucracies do not exist
  • Action, learning and results are rewarded; not only effort
  • All employees take initiative to prosper, develop, learn… live!
  • There’s a constant feedback exchange, which is willingly received
  • Employees enjoy their job, support and train each other  Sigue leyendo

Fran Chuán interviewed by Ray Garcia

In this interview by Ray Garcia, Fran Chuán describes a framework for how to think of innovation and instill a culture of creative problem solution within highly operational organizations.

Stop the Nonsense! Innovation is a Discipline


Jay Rao 

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A recent article in the Wall Street Journal highlighted the problem we have today with innovation. Indeed, this once worthy term is being degraded by CEOs, consultants, marketers, and journalists for whom it is the buzzword d’jour. The term “innovation” has been deeply devalued—to the point of being a slogan or aspiration. Also, for all the use of the term, it is clear that firms are having lots of problems managing innovation. They’re spending heavily and complaining about how little they are getting back. Abuse of the term “innovation” is leading to dismal outcomes, cynicism, and wasted money. Studies show that despite huge sums spent on ideation software, stage-gate systems and consultants a majority of executives are dissatisfied with the results. Dissatisfaction among employees is even higher. The reasons are many.

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Steve Jobs, Innovation, Culture and Discipline

Steve Jobs was instrumental in shaping and in some cases reshaping the PC, Telecom, Internet, Media, Entertainment and Retail Industries. He created the post-mini-computer era with the Apple PC. And more recently he was one of the first to create successful business models around digital convergence, i.e., the coming together of data, voice and video. In doing so, Apple is a pioneer in the post-PC era or the TIME era (Telecom, Internet, Media and Entertainment). Unfortunately, a Steve Jobs like innovator comes every 100 years. The last time that one individual had such a profound effect on so many industries simultaneously was Edison.

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Creating Innovation Cultures in Companies: CEOs, People and Collaboration Tools

This article shares two strategies that are proving most effective for CEOs that aim to make their companies more innovative: developing a creative culture (people’s behaviors) and applying new processes and technologies.


Image by Chris Luongo

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Creando Culturas Innovadoras en empresas: CEOs, personas y herramientas de colaboración

Este artículo comparte dos estrategias que están demostrando ser efectivas para los CEOs (directores ejecutivos) que intentan hacer que sus empresas sean más innovadoras: desarrollar una cultura creativa (comportamiento de las personas) y aplicar nuevos procesos y tecnologías.


Imagen de Chris Luongo

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