Dícere interview Simon Matthias Schoop, CEO of 4advice.


When was 4-advice founded?

4-advice was founded in December 2004 by Simon Schoop after eight years Hewlett-Packard. HP impressed Simon with the corporate culture of the ,HP way’, which became his guiding principle in how he wants to interact at work.

After working for Electronic Components Marketing and Strategy & Change Consulting in Germany, he decided to move to HP France to do Strategic Business Planning for Imaging & Printing , followed by managing the Intel Inside Co-Marketing Program for EMEA.

As he wanted to go back to Consulting while continuing with the HP Way, he decided to found his own consultancy, as company culture in most consulting companies is rather hierarchical and not compliant with the values of the HP Way.

What  are 4-advice core markets? 

4-advice is a boutique consultancy with thought leadership for change & innovation. We help customers to master the journey of digital transformation. Enabling our clients, we ensure a sustainable knowledge transfer, so our clients organizations  are getting more agile, which is the key to leverage digitalization and transform the challenges into competitve advantages.

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