Albert Einstein : «Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Building a consensus for an unambiguous and easy to understand definition of innovation has not yet been possible. We mean the systematic practice of innovation, applied to the market and business in which the company operates and competes, under the premise of consolidating their differentiation and adding value to its customers, employees and shareholders.

Widely known are the words from Albert Einstein: «Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. This is the essence of innovation.

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(1/10) Pursuing perfection: the ideal model of an innovative company

Can you imagine a company in which…?

  • Time and resources are spent in innovation just because this is the regular way of working
  • Everything is done is useful because unnecessary bureaucracies do not exist
  • Action, learning and results are rewarded; not only effort
  • All employees take initiative to prosper, develop, learn… live!
  • There’s a constant feedback exchange, which is willingly received
  • Employees enjoy their job, support and train each other  Sigue leyendo